'Pedagogy'... Could you spell - then define that please?
The tremors of this term seem to be building and building in Studio. Part of me thinks it's just a fancy word but there must be more to it right?
Pedagogy - the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.
So not only does Pedagogy focus on what you are taught but how you are taught...But why does this have such an importance with my studio group?
MSA (Praxis) - focus on social, economic and environmental sustainability, and often undertake live projects working towards making cities more inclusive.
Well through further research historically in architecture practice and education to be able to have a new mode of operation for the discipline traditions had to be questioned, destabilised, undermined or even destroyed.
Pedagogy operated as an active agent in the processes with which it was concerned, rather than through modes of detached or complacent reflection. Radical pedagogies challenged conventions at different scales. They relentlessly questioned the institutions of education, probed architecture’s disciplinary assumptions and aimed to disturb architecture’s relation to social, political and economic processes.
Radical architectural pedagogies aimed to challenge the status quo by attempting to destabilise the very institutions they depended on, and in so doing they generated forms of institutional critique. The 1968 student revolts of the Unité Pédagogique No 6 in Paris, which rejected the pedagogy of the Beaux-Arts School, constitute a landmark. They accused the school’s curricula and teaching methods of being incapable of addressing architecture’s relationship to contemporary social and political maladies, and demanded that their vision of a new social order be reflected in the very basis of their studies.
In response to the timidity of schools today, the Radical Pedagogy project returns to the educational experiments of the 1960s and ’70s to remind us what can happen when pedagogy takes on risks. It’s a provocation and a call to arms. (Architectural Review, 2017)
Right OK, that makes way more sense through time practices and educational systems can remain stagnant to the changing world around us and our means and methods of understanding can do the same so we need such pedagogy to challenge the status quo to truly realise what is right and wrong or rather what is out of date and what is rich methodology in this current climate...