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What stood out to me were the people in Amsterdam not due to the mass in numbers but rather the opposite. I ran through, under and around Amsterdam (approx. 10 miles in a day and clicking repeat) it was like the numbers of cyclists, cars and road work became a form of constant that never changed which in the end seemed to remove itself from my experience of Amsterdam and rather it was these minute amount of individuals or signs that stood out like outliers/anomalies to the trend.  


One particular example was ‘Spin Huis’ (a student run space organized for young people which emerged from the ‘Het maagdenhuis’ movement breaking such a picturesque of this continuous current of Amsterdam) which I visited and was immersed into through a kind UvA student.





















The moment depicts such an example where through exploring NDSM I stumbled upon a group doing graffiti on the walls. After, introducing myself we began to discuss life in Amsterdam and learned of the inability to afford school fees while tourists are shaping Amsterdam's landscape and in turn living expenses are increasing - there voices unheard but not hidden rather spewed across bricks.

Study Tour

Fig.11 my drawings of the historic Spinhuis

Fig.12 Study trip moment

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